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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that's not covered here, please contact us.

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What's my program code?

Program codes and registration links associate your account to a specific MoneyEdu sponsor. To get a code or registration link, please contact the organization that sent you to MoneyEdu.

We are unable to provide program codes or links since most organizations have several. If you get the wrong code, you may not get the intended services.

What's my password?

For your security, your password is encrypted and is not available to any MoneyEdu administrator.

If you have forgotten your password, please use the Password Reset tool. If your email address is in our database, we will email you a reset link.

If the password tool can't find your email address, it's possible that you used a different email address or there was a typo in your email address at registration. If so, please contact us with your email address and the name of your sponsoring organization. We will correct the email address and send you a password reset link.

Note that you must

How do I change my email address or other account details?

Log in to your account and click the user icon on the upper right of the navigation bar. From that page, you'll be able to update all of your account settings.

How do I print a completion certificate?

"Print Certificate" links are available from your Courses page and from your MoneyEdu home page. If you have your course completion code, you can print a certificate using the Course Verification Tool without logging in.

Is a completion certificate automatically sent to my school or sponsoring organization?

Most of the time, your school or sponsoring organization will be able to tell if you have completed your assignment through their control panel.

So unless you were specifically instructed to print and submit a certificate, you should automatically get credit for your work.

What do you do with my information?

All information transmitted between you and MoneyEdu is encrypted using industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Information gathered from you by MoneyEdu is not used for any other purpose other than providing this service. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Have an issue not addressed here? Please contact us with a detailed description.

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Did You Know?

MoneyEdu is a non-commercial service dedicated to your success. You won't find ads, affiliate links, or other commercial offers associated with our content.

If you've been given an access code, please click here to create a personalized account.