Welcome to Broadview's MoneyEdu! We've updated MoneyEdu to reflect our new Broadview brand.
Broadview Financial Well-Being logo

The mission of Broadview Financial Well-Being is to guide and encourage individuals to focus on achieving economic stability - using innovative tools, making informed decisions, and encouraging positive habits.

The mission of Broadview Financial Well-Being is to guide and encourage individuals to focus on achieving economic stability - using innovative tools, making informed decisions, and encouraging positive habits.

The mission of Broadview Financial Well-Being is to guide and encourage individuals to focus on achieving economic stability - using innovative tools, making informed decisions, and encouraging positive habits.

Paying for College

Learn the basics of paying for college with these videos.

Understanding Need

Learn more about how your eligibility for financial aid is determined. This is a must see video for every student - you might be surprised at what you learn.


Types of Financial Aid

Understanding the types and sources of aid is the best way to make sure you get the help you deserve.


Applying for Financial Aid

Applying for aid doesn't have to be complicated - just make sure you cover each step to avoid surprises later.


Education Loans

There are many education loan options, including both federal and private lenders. Learn which loans should always be your first choice.


Independent Student Status

Your dependent or independent student status determines the amount of federal aid that you may receive.


The Master Promissory Note

The Master Promissory Note is a legal document that describes your rights and responsibilities. Be sure to understand it before signing.


Creating an Aid Strategy

Paying for college can be a major financial undertaking. Determining the best aid strategy for you is an important step.


Repaying College Debt

Understanding loan repayment options will help you make choices that fit your budget. There are repayment options for every income level, especially for federal student loans.


Consequences of Non-Payment

There are serious consequences to missing loan payments. Always contact your lender if you are having difficulty making your payments.


Borrowing Wisely

Borrow money only if you have to. Every dollar you borrow for college will be owed later with interest.


For Teens

College Explorer

Students on a college campus

Get the details on thousands of colleges and universities, including prices paid, graduation rates, average debt levels, plus more.

Career Explorer

A financial superhero

Watch career profile videos, get salary data, expected job growth, and education requirements for nearly 1,000 careers.

About Broadview

Join Broadview educators for a unique, live, interactive webinar experience. Find our ongoing schedule in the Event Calendar, and learn more about us in the link below. Do you have a group or organization that could benefit from financial education? Topics are available for all ages and education is always free. Contact us to make a request.

Have a question?

Broadview Financial Well-Being
1-800-727-3328 x 1314066

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